Hello and welcome to VisionLab. We are a small graphic and web design company in the Delmas region, a small town close to Pretoria and Johannesburg. With our attention to detail and passion for visual art, you have come to the right place.
For any queries please don't hesitate to contact us, simply send us an email through our contact page.

What we do
We offer various Graphic and Web Design Services at a low cost but where the end product rivals that of a high end Graphic and Web Design firm. Our primary focus is web design, but we also offer graphic design services like logo's, business cards, company profiles, etc. We are a open-minded company and always open for suggestions to improve our service.
Through the advancement in technology we can offer a service that is not limited to a geographical area, wherever you are, we can help you.

We create our visual work in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. All coding are done in Activestate Komodo Edit in the latest web standards such as HTML5 and CSS3. We use FileZilla to manage files on the servers.